To our valued customers in the provinces of (Gharbia- Monufia- Qalyubia) Under State officials' interest to promote provided services to citizens, according to the guidance of Mr. Dr. Eng. / Mohamed shaker, Minister of electricity and renewable energy to facilitate the procedures for citizens and to improve the services provided to them.
South Delta Electricity Distribution company has embraced development and implementation of an ambitious plan for upgrading these services and improving the quality of the electric feeding to insure stabilization. Whereas the company placed providing distinguished service to its customers at the forefront of its goals and attention, and harnessed all material and human possibilities, as well applying the latest technologies in the world of communication and in all spheres, to achieve this goal and to provide outstanding services with high quality, with specifications similar to international standards.
Service development project has been implemented in all the branches of the company so that one employee provides services to citizens on the prepared forms for that purpose, by using computers. Those forms can be found in the citizen's Guide to request services on this website.
An office has been allocated at each branch to receive citizens' complaints and follow up the response to these complaints, for quick handling. and allocation of free phone line number. 121 on all PABX to receive reports of faults over 24 hours a day. Faults Automated reporting project is currently being implemented to link the customer reports with their databases for faster fault fixing. The project has accomplished at five branches and it is being implemented at the rest of the branches in stages.
We call upon God to guide us in achieving what we aspire to by offering the finest provided services to the public, to eliminate any complaint. As well we are pleased to receive any complaint or suggestion through the company's website, or via phone calls at the head office and all sectors, branches of the company.